Email Suppression Clarification


If a user who starts a process in Catalytic is also the assigned user of the first task in the process, Catalytic will suppress the email notification from going out to that user, correct? Is there a documented list of scenarios for when an email notification will be suppressed?



  • Thomas_937381

    @Meghan_550057 I believe this is in relation to a step owner, actually. If the first step in a sequence is the same as the run owner, the assumption is made that you're already on the run screen, so a notification would be unnecessary (this does not apply to test starts).

    Task notifications are also suppressed though, where the preceding step, even if automated, is the same step owner. Say for example you have a Dates: Get current date step, then Assign task to a person. If you are the run owner, you would also be the person listed as having completed the automated date step. Because of that, the subsequent task notification would be suppressed. @gabe_167596 may be able to add more here.

    I believe you also must keep in mind trigger creators and template owners for processes that are not started manually.