Best way for follow-up reminders


My workflow sends out a webform and asks a group of people to accept the webform to fill out. In the event that no one fills it out - I want to have reminders (specific days) sent out 2nd day, 4th day, and the last reminder sent on the 7th day. If no one fills out the webform on the 7th day then I want the webform routed to another group. Is this possible? Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Veronika_208293
    Veronika_208293 Posts: 64
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Michael_742836!
    Yes, this would be possible with the option to delay a task and using the Send email action to configure your reminders.
    Using your example above, you would configure 3 different Send Email actions, put a 2-day delay on the 1st one, and then depending on your dependencies, another 2-day delay (if dependent on the previous reminder) or a 4-day delay (if dependent on the Send Webform step) on the 2nd one and accordingly for the 3rd one.
    I hope this helps!
