Custom Actions - Link to instance

GT_801564 Posts: 7


Currently, clicking on a custom action task on the instance page with navigate you to custom action task and display all the fields returned from the custom action instance.

  1. When a custom action executes on an instance, there is no easy way to find the instance run of the custom action. This makes troubleshooting problems with custom action difficult.
  2. When a "Fix Task" is generated on the custom action instance, the error message displays but it does not display which task the error came from.


  1. When a user click the custom action task from the instance page, include a link to the custom action instance on the task. Alternatively, have the instance run appear inline similar to how inline helpers appear inline on the building page.

  2. When a "Fix Task" is generated on the custom action instance, return the error message, the specific task that is causing the error and the link to the task.

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