Submit Hidden Fields Values In Forms

Kevin_102667 Posts: 56 admin

As a workflow owner, I need to send out pre-filled webforms to my users. Some of the field values need to be hidden/read-only because they are not relevant to the user but are needed to in my workflow.

Today, using field conditions will hide fields on a form but will not submit with a value. Using instruction type fields will make the field read-only but also will not submit will a value.

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Swept · Last Updated


  • Kevin_579059

    Can I suggest....
    If the field is hidden or read only, then you are saying the user has 'no choice' in that variable. So it does not need to be on the webform. Couldn't you just have the first step/action in the workflow be a Field Formulas action and just assign all those default variables there?
    Just a novice Catalytic user