To disable the add row option to end user in web form sending



  • Jozef_783863
    Jozef_783863 Posts: 331 admin
    edited September 2020

    @Taj_137028 Support for preventing add/remove rows for tables in webforms is a product idea available for upvoting at the link shared below. We do not have a planned release date for this feature yet, as the idea is still open for upvoting. We will update the idea status once a planned release date becomes available in the future.

    Data Tables in Web Forms - Prevent add/remove rows

    Today, you can make the table read-only, by using the action Tables: Convert data table to markdown text. This approach would prevent editing of the empty "Worked Hours" column in your screenshot.

    Tables: Convert data table to markdown text

  • Jeff_146001
    Jeff_146001 Posts: 296 admin

    @Taj_137028 My one other suggestion at this time is to use the action, Tables: Compare two tables, for validation purposes after it's submitted. You can compare the submitted table to your original table, enabling you to delete any added rows.