Apply Formulas to Columns in a Table


Please help. I have a table of data where I want to apply some simple formulas to update fields within the table.
1. If AccountsAlertedDT is blank and Active = Yes, I want to update AccountsAlertedDT to the Run Start Date.
2. If AccountsAlertedDT is not blank and Active = Yes, I want to update Last Update to the Run Start Date.

What's the best way to do this?

Best Answers


  • Adam_636382
    Adam_636382 Posts: 32
    edited August 2020

    Thanks Jeff - this is helpful!
    Follow up question. If I am also trying to apply a formula that includes a field output from a different step, do I need to reference that a particular way?

    For example: I have a step that converts the Run Start Date by -30 minutes into a field called "filter-range". I want to apply a formula using that field.