Timezone Identifier for all Date Actions

Jozef_783863 Posts: 331 admin
edited August 2020 in Ideas

For date-based actions, include a Timezone identifier setting in place of an Offset setting. This would be an expansion of the idea documented on https://community.pushbot.com/discussion/126/timezones.

So instead of wanting to render to New York as entering an Offset value of -5 or -4 during DST, this idea would instead set the Timezone as "America/New_York" and thus the action would manage whether this specific date-time was affected by Daylight Savings Time (DST) or not.

4 votes

Swept · Last Updated


  • Jeff_182127

    Great idea! I've got some builds in mind that need to capture submittal time, where local time would be good to get, and DST is a constant bugger ;-)

  • Jozef_783863
    Jozef_783863 Posts: 331 admin

    Hi @Jeff_182127, thank you for the upvote and comment! I have a few notes to share and a related idea to share with you based on your comment.

    We save an entered time into a timezone-agnostic and daylight-savings-agnostic format (UTC).

    I recommend asking the user for the user's region when you ask them to enter a date-time for an approval. This region field should help with setting an offset for the UTC time you get back from the user.

    You may also need to check if today's date is in DST or not against an imported table. If it is in DST, you would need to factor in the new offset. A related Idea here (linked below) is to capture the user's timezone when they input a date-time.

    Date and Time Field Type: Preserve User Time Zone

    If you have any questions, you can always reach us at help@catalytic.com or share date-time questions in Community Questions.