Remove team logo


How do I remove a team logo? In "team settings," I only see an option to update, not remove.


  • Jeff_146001
    Jeff_146001 Posts: 296 admin

    @Tom_153935 Can you elaborate on why you'd like to remove the logo? Do you want to return it to display the Catalytic logo or no logo at all (and if so, why)?

    For no logo at all, a workaround that I've seen is to upload an entirely white image as the logo.

  • Tom_153935
    Tom_153935 Posts: 76

    I uploaded a customer's logo to my test team, and now I'd like to clear it. I don't remember what the default logo is – do we use the Catalytic logo? If there is no way to reset that, I will take your suggestion to just upload a blank photo.