Activate a user as part of a process


Is there a way to add a new user as part of a process that doesn’t require the user to accept the invite? I thought there used to be an action that would just add them but I’m only seeing the Email: Invite a user action.


  • Jacob_154284
    Jacob_154284 Posts: 75
    edited April 2020

    @Sophie_202427 You can use this action. I would suggest adding a task afterwards based on the output of the action since the action will still complete even if the user wasn't created but a user with the same email address already exists. You can also add a lookup step over the User Table in the team you're in before adding the user to just make sure they don't already exist. Depending if that person does or doesn't exist then the create a user action can be activated or skipped.

    For creating users in batch, I find it helpful to have this inside of a subprocess that is started by a parent process. In the parent is an upload file field that gets batched over to create users in bigger waves then one by one.

    Confirmation from the help article the action does NOT send an invite when creating the user.
    "For example, an employee on-boarding process can add the user without an invite, with preconfigured settings and notification preferences."

  • Jeff_146001
    Jeff_146001 Posts: 296 admin

    The Create a User action is only available to Team Admins.