Markdown text - change color of text?

Kevin_579059 Posts: 67
edited April 2020 in Questions

This help page for markdown text suggests that there is an option for changing the color of text:
When I go to this page ( which is actually in Catalytic's help section for "testing" markdown language, and I input
In his beard lived three span style="color:red"cardinals/span.
(I have left out the carats < >, etc. in the above, otherwise the code disappears entirely, and produces the following line:)
In his beard lived three cardinals.
the word "cardinals" actually shows up in red in the preview.
However, when I input this same code in an Instruction field, cardinals does not show up in red.
Are we able to have text in color in Catalytic? (yes, I'm getting fancy now, sorry) 😁
(funny, I had to edit this post multiple times to take out the carat symbols, the markdown color coding works here, it seems!)
