Using the correct attachment to update a table


Using an Email trigger that contains a spreadsheet that will be used to update a table in catalytic. How can I make sure that catalytic will use the .xlsx and not the .img from the signature?

Best Answer

  • Jeff_146001
    Jeff_146001 Posts: 296 admin
    edited May 2020 Answer ✓

    @Rafael_943505 A field that's available from the email trigger is named {{trigger-attachments}}. It's a table that includes all the attachments. Here's an example:

    Use the action, Tables: Look up data in a column, to look up xlsx in the Extension column to return the file you need.


  • Meghan_550057
    Meghan_550057 Posts: 107
    edited May 2020

    @Rafael_943505 - depending on what you're looking to accomplish with the file in your process, you may need to use an additional step to extract the ID of the file out of the URL in the file column shown above by @Jeff_291769.

    1. If you are just wanting to present the file for reference in a task but not manipulate or interact with the file, you can use just the output from your lookup step.
    2. If you'd like to process the file in some way (OCR, Excel actions, etc), you'd want to extract the ID out of the URL to be used as a true file. More context can be found here for reference.
  • Rafael_943505

    Thanks a lot for your help guys!
    I have extracted the URL using the Tables: Look up data in a column action, and then I'm using this URL as the file.