Assign Fix Task to a another person/group


Is it possible to assign the fix task to another person than the bot owner or to a designated group?
Would be great for support if multiple people are handling the process.


  • Jeff_146001
    Jeff_146001 Posts: 296 admin

    @Breuer_203158 There's not currently a universal way to do that. I see you've upvoted the relevant idea for consideration in future releases:

    The best approach currently is to add more robust error prevention and handling to the pushbots that are prone to Fix Tasks. Some examples:

    • If Fix Tasks are caused by invalid form entries, make fields required and add field validation (new features as of January 2020).
    • If Fix Tasks are caused by other data, perform a check on that data using conditions or Field Formulas prior to the point where the error occurs.

    If you're encountering Fix Tasks for other reasons, feel free to share here and we can support you in preventing them.

  • Roberto_142863

    Hi @Jeff_146001, thank you for your feedback, but to be honest it is not really satisfying. You will for sure agree, that it is not possible to build software 100% stable. Or why do the 'fix task' exist? We really need this option to install a well functioning, scalable and fast reacting support model for critical and central processes.