How to populate a PowerPoint slide with multiple webform entries.


Customer is populating a PowerPoint slide with answers from a webform.
The webform is for speakers making presentations at monthly meetings. It asks for their name, topic, length of speaking in minutes (this is an integer field) and to select which month they want to speak by choosing the first of the month in a date field calendar.
Customer created a table filtered by month based on the webform entries. This table sums the lengths of the speeches, and once it totals 60 minutes, a PowerPoint agenda slide is populated with the names of the speakers, their topics, and lengths in a bulleted list.
Customer has been able to successfully map the most recent of the responses of a particular month to the slide by using references to the form. She would like to be able to map all the speakers/topics/lengths for a given month on a slide.
There is some confusion on what field references to put in the slide, as the multiple distinct entries would have the same field reference name.
Is it possible to reference the filtered table for the month instead of the webform? Is that an alternative?
How can we reference the multiple, distinct speakers/topics/lengths as fields in the PowerPoint slide, instead of just the most recent entry?


Best Answer


  • Nora_128398

    @Ian_775791 Thank you! If the number of presenters were NOT variable, would there be able to be multiple fields with the same name like {{topic}} on a single slide?