Saved in-progress web forms - auto-populate fields with a custom URL no longer working?


With the new feature: "Added web form data to session data to save in-progress web forms"
I am finding that the auto-population of fields by using a custom URL is no longer working. I am referring to the instructions at the following page

For example, I have a webform set to open similar to the following:
When it opens, it does not fill in the indicated field. It is blank.

I am thinking the 'saved' version in the browser is somehow taking precedence and over-riding this?



  • Jeff_418969
    Jeff_418969 Posts: 3 admin

    Hi @Kevin_579059,

    When the webform is loaded for the first time, auto-populated field values (like you linked to in the help article), will be visible as expected. But once a user changes a field value, their progress is saved and that will take priority over the auto-populated field values if they reload the page.

    Are you seeing something different? Also, would you be able to provide your browser and OS?

    Thank you!

  • Kevin_579059

    Thanks, Jeff. This is the answer I was looking for, that the user-saved progress takes precedence over the auto-populated field values.
    A follow-up question: when the webform is submitted, is the webform save progress considered 'cleared' and then if the webform is called with auto-populated fields, it will load with the auto-populated fields? (I could test this on my own....)
    Thanks, again!

  • Jeff_418969
    Jeff_418969 Posts: 3 admin

    Yes, the progress is cleared on successful webform submission. After, you will be able to reload the webform with auto-populated fields and see those values as expected.