Trigger Attachments Table


The costumer will send 2 email files and when he sends the email, the bot will start.
So I would like to know how can I get the links from the file? Because i saw that we can get the trigger attachments output where we have the Column file that storage the link, but I don't know how i can get this output.

Best Answer


  • Leonardo_186052

    Hi @Meghan_904209,
    Thank you for help.

  • Anna_272419

    Hi @Meghan_550057 ,
    This was really helpful in my build! One question, though: How can I then find the field reference once I identify the attachment I need? I've found the PDF file, I now need to extract the text, but I don't know how to refer to the file I've found, because the field reference isn't isolated in the table. Considering how critical field references are to the core of building in Catalytic, I would think they would be readily available.


  • Kalin_996882
    Kalin_996882 Posts: 74 admin

    Hi @Anna_272419 ,
    Thank you for your message!

    In the output of Step 1 from what Meghan shared there should be a field named {{extract-pdf--file-value}}. For this field to be available, Columns to return should be blank in the Tables: Look up data in a column action.

    This field can be used in a PDF: Extract text to a field action to extract the text from the PDF file. Let me know if this helps and if you have any other questions.

  • Anna_272419
    Anna_272419 Posts: 42
    edited September 2020

    Hi @Kalin_126161 ,

    Thanks so much for your response! I tried following your steps, but receive an invalid handlebar reference error when testing. The instance doesn't show {{extract-pdf--file-value}} as an available field:


    Is it something that I'm doing wrong, or is the field just missing?


  • Kalin_996882
    Kalin_996882 Posts: 74 admin

    Hi @Anna_272419 ,
    Thank you for your update! I will reach out via email to see if we can schedule a time to connect and walk through this together in greater detail.
    Thank you!