Loop Action Reset Bounce Email Fields

Meghan_550057 Posts: 107
edited January 2020 in Ideas

Current State: if a process has a loop with email actions included, the fields for bounced emails do not get updated if an email does not bounce. So as an example, if the first run of the process has an email bounce, the fields get populated correctly. If the loop routes back through the same actions and sends an email that does not bounce, the same fields still appear as bounced.

Request: bounced email fields reset each time an email action runs to reflect whether an email bounced or if it did not bounce. If there's a loop included, the email bounce fields should get updated based on the status of the email bouncing.

Email bounce fields: Bounce message, Bounce type, Bounced email address, Email bounced

4 votes

Swept · Last Updated


  • Arthur_319926

    One solution is to use a Field Formulas action after the bounced email action, to reset the output fields. Setting should look like this: