End Workflow within a Conditional Block


I have the action End Workflow in a conditional block within my workflow. Will that action end the entire workflow and skip all subsequent actions or only the conditional block it is in?

Best Answer

  • Kalin_996882
    Kalin_996882 Posts: 74 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Laura_372122,

    Thank you for your question. If your Workflow: End this workflow is within a conditional block, it will end the workflow in the conditional block and allow things outside of the block to still take place. I've created a basic example for this that you can test out on your team.

    Let me know if this helps and if you have any other questions.

    Thank you!


  • Anna_272419

    Commenting to see the answer.

  • Laura_372122

    @Kalin_126161 That is what I assumed must be the case after my testing with the workflow I am building. It would be nice if there was an option to end the overall workflow even if the action is within a conditional block. I will have to just add another action right after the conditional block with the same conditions to end the complete workflow.