Are <embed> or <object> tags supported instead of <iframe>?


Hi there,
Is it possible to use embed code or object tags to fully embed a webform in a 3rd party webpage. This is for the purpose of tracking using Google Analytics, which iframe does not appear to support.

Best Answer

  • Nick_130752
    Nick_130752 Posts: 11
    Answer ✓


    Currently, only iframes are officially supported for embedding webforms, but based on my testing, object tags also appear to
    work (though that could break without notice in the future). What sort of analytics are you looking to track? The field values for any submitted webform will be available in your Catalytic team, and I would expect that most other analytics could be collected from the webpage containing the embedded webform.

    Thanks, and please let me know if I can provide any additional information,

    • Nick