Why my "Set the value of a multiple choice field" dose not change the Choice


Hello team:
I tried to configure the action "Set the value of a multiple choice field" to change choices of the existing field choice. But the form with my updated choice does not show updated multiple choices as I expected. Configuration details as below:

1. Original Field configured as Instance Field:

2. Change the choice:

3. Send a form

Pls kindly advise what's wrong with my config. or whether I misunderstood the use of this action.
Thank you :)


  • Chuck_146211
    Chuck_146211 Posts: 36 admin

    Hi @WEN_793167,

    I have a working idea you may be able to use that allows you to dynamically change the choices available in a multiple/single choice field. The concept behind it is to have all your dropdown choices in a table, filter that table according to which choices you'd like available for a user to pick from, then use the output of the filtered table as the Choice options in your field config.

    Here's a quick rundown of it.

    • Create a table with rows that represent the potential choice options.
    • Use the action "Tables: Apply Filters" on the choice options table to filter for the options you'd like to present to a user.
    • Convert this filtered table to text by using the action "Tables: Convert data table to text".
      ** Make sure you're using '\n' as the row delimiter so you get one choice per line in your output.

    • Use the output field from the Convert data table to text step and paste it as a field reference in the Choices config for your Single Choice field (screenshot below).