Conditional Logic for Triggering an Action


I'm building a process that uses Workflow: Start another Workflow. I'm trying to conditional start this process from a value pulled from a data column lookup. Currently the way it's configured keeps skipping the 'Start another workflow' step. Need some guidance around why this logic isn't working.


  • Sarah_154708
    Sarah_154708 Posts: 13 admin
    edited October 2020

    Hi @Jeff_521941
    In this case, the ‘start another workflow’ action is set to only run if the ‘Lookup client approval path--Sick Request Approval Method’ is “Manual”.

    In the document you attached, the result of that step is redacted with a blue line. However, if that result is NOT “manual”, then the ‘Start another Workflow” will not run.

    In this case, was the field ‘Lookup client approval path--Sick Request Approval Method’ set to "Manual"?