Do virtual folders work for the SFTP file upload trigger?

Kalin_996882 Posts: 74 admin
edited August 2020 in Questions

My understanding of virtual folders is that they aren’t really a location in a directory and when files are uploaded to them they are physically stored elsewhere. Would the SFTP New File trigger respond differently when configured with a virtual folder versus a normal one based on that behavior?

I tried using ExaVault to test this but unfortunately they do not support virtual folders. Hoping other users with a similar cases have any insights to add on this topic.


  • Brandon_189578


    Virtual folders should function in the same way as a normal folder in the context of an SFTP trigger. The only difference from the perspective of configuration is that if you have the following setup:

    SFTP: $SOMEROOT/net/sftp
    Other Folder: $SOMEROOT/other/shareme/testing/file.txt

    and have the sftp server set up to share the sftp directory, and you set up a virtual folder of shareme in sftp that points to $SOMEROOT/other/shareme, then the path to file.txt will be: shareme/testing/file.txt

    Think of the virtual folder as a shortcut from one directory (that is under the SFTP root) to another (which is not), allowing you to explicitly include certain directories that are not under the base SFTP directory within reach of clients.

    From the perspective of an SFTP client, a virtual folder is usually indistinguishable from a non-virtual folder. It is mostly a feature allowing easier configuration from the server's point of view.
