Unlink a Data Table or Helper Workflow


I would like to remove an associated data table or helper workflow (Pushbot) from a parent process.

Currently, when a workflow is exported, it copies out all tables and helper workflows. In order to prevent it from copying a specific table, I would like to remove it from the associated parent process before exporting. Is there a way to do that?

Best Answer


  • Stacy_131492

    @Nicholas_187159 @Jeff_291769 is correct - Exporting a Workflow will export any Data Table that is referenced in a template-level field or in an app step configuration. Just wanted to add one note that I believe the list of Data Tables and Helper Workflows that display on the Workflow detail page can include items that were once referenced, even if they are not currently referenced (and therefore would not be exported).

  • Nicholas_187159
    Nicholas_187159 Posts: 25 mod

    @Stacy_131492 that is what I am seeing currently - the detail page just not seem to retroactively remove those references. Which in turn still exports those workflows, even if no longer associated with the parent workflow.