Remove archived data tables from process


I am looking for a way to remove archived data tables from my data tables section within my process. Even though they are archived, they are still showing in the data tables list, which can be very confusing.


  • Jozef_783863
    Jozef_783863 Posts: 331 admin

    @Veronika_128563, this is the expected behavior. It is cosmetic only (Pushbot Settings page) so it does not affect workflow behavior.

    If this is a brand new workflow, you can export/import it as a new workflow. This should drop the invalid table references in the Pushbot Settings page.

    If you want to keep the current workflow, go to the table action that added the table to Pushbot Settings. Change the ID reference to a random number ("123), save, and re-add the correct ID. This should also drop the invalid table references in the Pushbot Settings page.

    I shared a note with the development team, as this is not ideal behavior.