Soft bounce behavior


I would need some help in understanding how soft bounces and the error message > Catalytic has sent too many emails to this address recently. Please try again later. do occur.
How many emails do have to be sent out to a person in order for this to be triggered?
Does this take only emails within the same process into account or across all processes in that environment?


  • Brandon_189578
    Brandon_189578 Posts: 36
    edited March 2020

    how soft bounces and the error message ... do occur

    There are two facets of this:

    1. The comment in the run message thread, where a detailed message explaining exactly what happened is saved:
      1. "Catalytic did not send your email ... to [addresses] because ... have a history of bouncing". This message is caused by a bounce, where we store that address in our global blacklist and message the run thread that we skipped trying to send the email because we know it has a history of bouncing. This can be alleviated by messaging support and asking for an email to be removed, if you know the issue causing the bounce has been fixed.
      2. "Catalytic did not send your email ... to [addresses] because an email with the exact same subject and body was sent to this address within the last hour.". This comment tells you that the exact body + subject has been sent to the same email within the last hour. After waiting an hour, it will be possible to send the duplicate email once more. After that, waiting another hour would be needed to send another duplicate. If an email truly needs to be sent and it is not a duplicate (or it does not matter that it it is a duplicate), adding a timestamp or something similar into the body or subject of the email will serve to make each email unique.
      3. "Catalytic did not send your email ... because this address has received too many emails recently." This message is caused by the number of emails sent to a given destination is too much within the last hour. The limit is 100 emails per hour. Exceeding that amount, regardless of the subject or body of the email, will trigger this message.
    2. The bounce fields, where a more general message is saved as a field:
      1. "Catalytic did not send this email because emails to this address have bounced in the past. If this is a mistake, contact Catalytic Support to have the address removed from the suppression list." This message applies only in the case of 1a above. It is based entirely on whether we have a history of bouncing, and nothing else.
      2. "Catalytic has sent too many emails to this address recently. Please try again later." This messages is a catchall for both 1b and 1c above. To clarify, if either an identical email has been sent in the last hour, or 100 emails have been sent to the same recipient in the last 100, this message will be the field value. To determine which, the run comment will need to be referenced.

    Does this take only emails within the same process into account or across all processes in that environment?

    This applies to every email sent within the environment. This means that every email sent to an address, regardless of the process or run that sends it, is checked based on past history of emails sent to that address.